2024 Report to the Community

On a clear day you can see the Farallon Islands from Mt. Tamalpais, and people love the mountain for photography, yoga, or a variety of other activities.
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portrait: Chris Lehnertz, President & CEO portrait: Staci Slaughter, Chair, Board of Trustees

Sometimes it takes a storm to appreciate the brighter days on the other side. We’ve kicked off the past two years with storms that caused park staff to assess the damage to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), and regroup on the other side. Spring always follows with a bursting array of wonderful wildflowers. But we know there’s work to be done to ensure these critical ecosystems can last through the climate challenges to come.

Climate resilience is a key tenet of the Parks Conservancy’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, which we began implementing over the last year. You’ll see updates on the plan throughout this Annual Report and Gateways Magazine, including items about social justice, partnerships that lead to positive outcomes for parks and people, and special initiatives that will make a lasting impact on the parks.

The plan is already in motion. At Muir Woods, you can spot new “woody debris” creating pools and pockets for endangered coho salmon to thrive. In San Mateo County, you’ll find community groups making new connections with their national parks. On Alcatraz, you’ll see visitors nodding as they make new connections between the island’s history and today’s issues.

Thank you for championing these parks, and being dedicated to ensuring more people can benefit from them. We know, with your help, those bright days lie ahead.

Chris Lehnertz
President & CEO

Staci Slaughter
Chair, Board of Trustees

Our Impact
For Parks and People

Thanks to your support, here's a sampling of all we accomplished together in 2023 across more than 82,000 acres, from San Mateo County to San Francisco and Marin:

Fogo Na Roupa performs at Access to Adventure Day at Presidio Tunnel Tops in San Francisco on September 16, 2023. Photo by Lizzy Myers.
Smiling participants twirl rainbow gymnastics ribbons at the Fantastic Field Day outdoor event at Presidio Tunnel Tops. Photo by Brittany Hosea-Small A park staff member and a small group of volunteers hold insect nets in a grassy field during a Tamalpais Bee Lab and Pollinator Week event at Mount Tamalpais. Photo by Kelly Sullivan.
Two children holding notebooks and pencils perch in a tree at Rancho Corral de Tierra. Credit Brittany Hosea-Small. Troy Williams, formerly incarcerated speaker and founder of Restorative Media Inc., gives a talk before an audience in the dining hall at Alcatraz. Photo by Dave Rauenbuehler.
A Tree Frog Treks guide instructs participants how to safely handle a python on Access to Adventure Day at Presidio Tunnel Tops in San Francisco on September 16, 2023. Photo by Lizzy Myers.

By the Numbers


Volunteers who logged more than 80,000 hours in our parks in 2023. That's almost $3M in value to the GGNRA!


People reached through community engagement efforts at Rancho Corral de Tierra. We helped community groups like Puente de la Costa Sur and CoastPride connect to the park.


Presidio Tunnel Tops visitors who got to meet our Adventure Guides. This key pathway to employment helps young people welcome visitors with relevant, inclusive activities.

Impact in Action

Watch: Helping endangered coho salmon through Redwood Renewal.

Ann Maddox, a volunteer with Marin Wildlife Watch, processes wildlife camera images from her home. Photo by Emily Harwitz.

Marin Wildlife Watch

More than just cute animal pics

Birder Daniela Sánchez at Rancho Corral de Tierra. Photo by Emily Harwitz.

Slow Birding in a Fast World

The next generation of birders

Walkers encounter high tide along the trail pathway at Bothin Marsh. Photo by Kelly Sullivan.

Gravity of the Situation

Tracking royal tides in the parks

People and Parks Forever Fund

The newly established People and Parks Forever Fund will deliver the multi-faceted benefits of the GGNRA to our entire Bay Area community. We acknowledge parks have often not been welcoming to or inclusive of Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Our goal is for everyone to feel welcomed and have a sense of belonging in the parks. The People and Parks Forever Fund supports park programs centered on pathways for youth, engagement in community science and stewardship, designing for climate resilience, and increased access to the parks for all. These efforts are grounded in racial and social justice principles and co-designed with communities. For more info, contact Sarah Lincoln at (415) 561-3561 or slincoln@parksconservancy.org.

The New Gateways Magazine

We're proud to present a new format for Gateways Magazine, our longstanding member publication. Our new, large magazine format will allow for more space for photos, in-depth storytelling, and news from across the GGNRA. Join today to get this special member benefit!

Find Your Park

Stretching across more than 82,000 acres, the Golden Gate national parks include the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument, and Fort Point National Historic Site. They were among the most-visited national park units in the country in 2023.

  • The Presidio

    Established by the Spanish in 1776, this post continues to evolve as a national park with new trails, overlooks, bikeways, and a recently opened visitor center.
    The Presidio

  • Muir Woods

    Saved by William Kent and Elizabeth Thacher Kent and named for John Muir, this National Monument is beloved by all for its tall redwoods and serenity.
    Muir Woods

  • Crissy Field

    Home to an environmental education center, a vast meadow, and a marsh teeming with bird life, the transformed Crissy Field is one of the most spectacular parks in America.
    Crissy Field

  • Olema Valley

    Picturesque Victorian farmhouses and idyllic trails grace this valley adjacent to Point Reyes National Seashore.
    Olema Valley

  • Olema Valley

    Picturesque Victorian farmhouses and idyllic trails grace this valley adjacent to Point Reyes National Seashore.
    Olema Valley

  • Point Bonita

    The Point Bonita Lighthouse — moved to its current spot in 1877 — stands sentinel at the edge of the continent.
    Point Bonita

  • Fort Baker

    Former Army buildings have taken on new life as a LEED Gold-certified national park lodge featuring restored landscapes.
    Fort Baker

  • Fort Point

    Tucked under the Golden Gate Bridge, this Civil War-era fortress is admired for its magnificent masonry — best appreciated on a candlelight tour.
    Fort Point

  • Fort Mason

    A key port of embarkation during World War II, this site now hosts the nonprofit Fort Mason Center, a popular hostel, Golden Gate National Recreation Area headquarters, and Parks Conservancy offices.
    Fort Mason

  • Sutro Heights

    The former lands of San Francisco mayor Adolph Sutro showcase a charming garden and the nearby ruins of his gargantuan Sutro Baths.
    Sutro Heights

  • Ocean Beach

    A 3.5-mile stretch of white beach with few tourists and no highrises. Great for strolling and flying kites, but the water is frigid and the currents hazardous for all but the most experienced surfers.
    Ocean Beach

  • Alcatraz

    The Rock, famous for its notorious federal prison, is also known for its seabird colonies and restored gardens once tended by residents.

  • Marin Headlands

    These majestic hills are dotted with historic batteries and old military installations — and lofty perches from which to spy migrating raptors.
    Marin Headlands

  • Stinson Beach

    One of northern California’s most popular beaches, this vast stretch of white sand is a delight for swimmers, surfers, and picnickers.
    Stinson Beach

  • Fort Funston

    Visitors enjoy beach walks and the spectacle of hang gliders taking to the sky over windsculpted dunes.
    Fort Funston

  • Lands End

    This park has been revitalized in recent years with enhanced trails, gorgeous overlooks, native plants, and an acclaimed visitor center.
    Lands End

  • Kirby Cove

    No beach in the world has a view like this. From its sandy shore just west of the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge, look east to a stunning panorama of the city.
    Kirby Cove

  • Sweeney Ridge

    Ridges and ravines mark this hiking area 25 min. south of S.F. Wildlife, including hawks, deer, and wildflowers, abound on the slopes which drop to the Bay on one side and Thornton Beach on the other.
    Sweeney Ridge

  • Tennessee Valley

    Offering more of a stroll than a hike, the two-mile trail that meanders through the meadows of this serene valley leads you to bluffs overlooking the Pacific.
    Tennessee Valley

Find more parks at parksconservancy.org

Celebrating Our Extraordinary Volunteers

  • Volunteers and park staff tidy up coastal foiliage overlooking Baker Beach at SF Bay.
  • Volunteers and park staff participate in a stewardship event at Crissy Field against a backdrop of Golden Gate Bridge and blue sky. Photo by Russell Bombon.
  • A young volunteer helps clean up the Batteries at Golden Gate Overlook on MLK Day of Service. January 15, 2024. Photo by Lizzy Myers.
  • Volunteers sit on a mat and plant seedlings on Monarch Volunteer Day at Marin's Mount Burdell. Photo by Karen Offereins.

Stewarding our parklands wouldn‘t be possible without our dedicated community of volunteers. Our thanks to the thousands of you who care for the parks’ natural and cultural resources and connect visitors to these treasured places. Our volunteer programs are a collaborative effort of the NPS, the Presidio Trust, and the Parks Conservancy.

Find a volunteer opportunity


43% 20% 37%

Total support, 2023* $39,013,736

Total support to the parks 1982-2023 $784 million

  • Park Interpretation & Visitor Services
    $14,598,941 (37%)
  • Youth & Community Programs
    $7,755,901 (20%)
  • Park Enhancements, Restoration & Stewardship
    $16,658,894 (43%)

Financial statements of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy are audited on an annual basis.

Copies of the complete audited financial statements are available at parksconservancy.org.

* Support to the parks includes all program service expenses, excluding cost of goods sold and donated services.

From aboard an Alcatraz Cruises boat, a sunny view of Alcatraz Island, the waters of SF Bay and blue sky with wispy clouds.


For the first time ever, we'll be hosting our Trails Forever Dinner on Alcatraz Island! Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime evening to benefit parks on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. Check our website or email Director of Special Events Dennise Abad for more information.

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